Thursday, February 23, 2012

House keeping

Which is something I'm truly bad at.  On this blog it means that I'm trying to put in new pages and share all the places where my original designs are available.  Currently I only have the things done for South West Trading Company.  There will be another page to purchase my original self published designs, and one that will list the books I have patterns in or have done sample knitting for.  There will probably also be a page for my handspun, as that still goes on in the background at Chez Terrapin.  I would post more, but a lot of it would read as still working on that mystery project, more pug pics!
Jonelle handed off 2 sweaters to Rick Santorum with 2 more on the way.  I really have myself to blame for missing the deadline.  I knew in my head that I had to move it, but if I don't like an element, I have to rip it out.  Then I came  down with the mother of all headcolds, and completely lost a day to sleep.
Oh, and as a side note, there will be a spot to order some of my jalapeno jelly.  Next batch I'm adding habanero as requested by his hubbiness.  And yes, I know there's a little squiggle over the N, but I can't figure it out.
Feel free to leave a comment or a link to pics of things you've made from my patterns.  That could be a page all by itself!  I'm sure at the moment it would be mostly the Hunting Socks pattern!

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